My goals for 2017

I am determined to make 2017 the year I get healthy and *hopefully* pregnant!

With my 26th birthday a few days away, I feel like I’m running out of time. Early menopause runs in my family, so it’s time to get serious!

  1. Quit smoking ( This is the most important goals for many reasons)
  2. Get started on my diet and start taking the supplements I mentioned.
  3. Start an exercise routine. Walking around the block in the evenings or maybe yoga?
  4. Lose at least 10% of my weight. Studies show it could drastically improve my PCOS.
  5. Get good marks on my business certificate * to be completed in September*
  6. I am planning on getting a job either while I’m studying or after.I hope to get a job in administration but I’ll probably accept anything. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
  7. When I get a job I aim to save 10% of my pay to go towards baby stuff. So I guess the longer it takes for us to fall pregnant the more baby clothes I get to buy!!
  8. And last but not least, actually get pregnant! Seeing as my tubes are clear , I’m now on Metformin and I think I’ve found the magic mix of supplements, I would be surprised if I’m not pregnant in 12 months. *wishful thinking*